Our Services
General Assistance
We are willing to share all we have learned (sometimes the hard way) over the years. We can help with everything from barn design and pasture layout, to breeding recommendations and fiber consultation.
We care for your animals as if they are our own. The Alpacas have several acres of pasture, with automatic waterers, shade trees, and dirt piles (all very important to Alpacas!).
In the barn they have ample amounts of orchard grass hay, as well as, “Dr. Evans” supplement. We have our veterinarian nearby in the event of an emergency. We have a regular worming protocol that we follow, but will adapt that for your special needs if requested.
Pricing: $3.00 per day per animal for clients, $5.00 per day per animal for outside borders. Veterinary expenses are extra.

Breeding’s include: 60 days of free board, 10 day live cria guarantee, confirmation of pregnancy.
At Long Hollow Suri Alpacas all breeding’s are done by hand. This insures safety for your female, as well as positive breed dates.